“How wonderful it was to be there, to know interesting and provocative people and to learn from different sources and fields. Words cannot express my appreciation and deepest appreciation to all of you. The powerful collaborative process of our work was intense.”
Learning Together in a Special Place: Perspectives on Leadership
We are excited to announce the 2024 series of retreats for educational leaders which began in 2015 at Palazzo Donati located in the small town of Mercatello sul Metauro, Italy
Session 2
November 2 - 9, 2024
U.S. Study Group for Educators
For educators, professionals and others with an interest in the field of early childhood education who would like to know more about the Reggio Emilia Approach®, its principles and values recounted by the teachers, pedagogistas, and atelieristas whose daily work is in Reggio Emilia's municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools.
Session 2
March 22-27, 2025
U.S. Students & Professors Study Group
For graduate and undergraduate students and accompanying professors whose work with students at U.S. colleges and universities is influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach®. It fits well with short term faculty led study abroad programs and independent study.
Reggio Emilia Study Groups for U.S. Educators
Angela Ferrario is the U.S. Liaison for Study Groups to Reggio Emilia, Italy. Since 1994 she has been working in collaboration with Reggio Children, organizing and accompanying one or two groups per year and the annual U.S. Students and Professors Study Group. Angela was a founding board member of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) and is currently on the board of the Boston Area Reggio Inspired Network (BARIN).
For more information about Reggio Children and the Loris Malaguzzi International Center, visit www.reggiochildren.it. For more information about NAREA, visit www.reggioalliance.org.
Join us for an in-person study opportunity!
Study groups are returning to the Loris Malaguzzi International Center in Reggio Emilia, Italy!
Educator Retreats in Italy
where professional development and authentic local experiences converge to create a dynamic cultural exchange.
Session 2
June 29-July 4, 2024
Educational Leadership:
Embracing A Strong Image of Children and Adults
Andrea Sisbarro
School Director
Boulder Journey School boulderjourneyschool.com
Alison Maher
Executive Director
Boulder Journey School
The focus of this retreat is to challenge outdated leadership practices and systems within schools and to envision new forms of leadership that can help to re-shape the field of Early Childhood Education. The retreat will focus on personal, professional and political issues in our field and will offer time and space to innovate new solutions that stem from a strong image of children and adults.
June 22-27, 2024
Supercharge Professional Development Experiences!
Session 1
Are you ready to rethink how you are designing and delivering professional learning experiences? Are you excited to embrace new techniques and strategies for actively engaging participants in their growth and development? This retreat provides fresh ideas for building learning communities where adults are inspired and motivated to be life-long learners. Each day will be filled with interactive experiences that will help you expand your repertoire of activities and practices to create and facilitate impactful professional development.